NCS-5501-GOOGLE-AC Cisco NCS 5500 Series : PICS Telecom 101

NCS-5501-GOOGLE-AC Cisco NCS 5500 Series : PICS Telecom 101

A PICS Telecom 101 on the NCS-5501-GOOGLE-AC from the Cisco NCS 5500 Series.

The Cisco NCS 5500 Series offers four fixed configuration chassis, the NCS 5501 (Figure 1), NCS 5501 SE (Figure 2), NCS 5502 and NCS 5502 SE (Figure 3). These systems provide functionality vital to both the Top of Rack (ToR) and spine or leaf roles common to modern spine-and-leaf architectures. Capabilities such as advanced packet classification, segment routing, ultra-wide ECMP, programmable network management and telemetry are added to the robust and mature features already present in Cisco IOS® XR Software Release 6.0.0.

NCS-5501-GOOGLE-AC - Cisco - PICS Telecom

PICS Telecom offers the largest inventory of new and used multi-vendor telecom network products and data equipment. Providing critical spares and services to over 2000 customers in over 100 countries. All equipment provided is thoroughly tested to ensure it is in excellent working condition and is backed by PICS’ comprehensive warranty.

Key Features:

  1. Mass Scale – Handle traffic growth with fixed or modular systems delivering unprecedented 100G and 400G density.
  2. Service Agility – Build unique network experiences with Segment Routing and EVPN powered by cloud-enhanced IOS XR.
  3. Sustainability – Reduce environmental impacts with systems delivering lower power consumption (down to 0.3 Watts/Gb) and by integrating automation tools to reduce manual and onsite operations.
  4. Other capabilities – Capabilities such as advanced packet classification, segment routing, ultra-wide ECMP, programmable network management and telemetry are added to the robust and mature features already present

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